Wednesday, January 30, 2008

A Cruise Vacation That Can Include Airline Reservations

An air-sea cruise is when your cruise vacation has been booked with airline reservations to get you to the ships port and back home again. The cruise line buys its tickets in bulk from the airlines. They find out where you are coming from for your cruise travel and book you passage from a nearby airport to one close to the cruise ship's home port. Each cruise line has its own policy on how they deal with the sale of airline tickets, so here are some cruise tips in that area.

What is the cost of the tickets if I book them with my cruise?

The amount will be quoted when you book and will be shown on your bill.

If I need to cancel, are the refund policies different for the plane tickets than for the cruise?

No, as long as you cancel before the penalty phase begins.

Is there a service fee charged to have the Cruise Line issue my Airline reservations?

Only if you use their air deviations plan. The fee is around $50.00 each.

Do I have any choice in which Airline is used?

Yes, if you use there air deviation plan.

Can I get credit for my frequent flyer mileage if the cruise lines books my airline reservations?

No. You can use your frequent flyers if you book on your own.

Can I fly nonstop or have any control over the route that is taken, or do I just get what ever they find?

Here again, use the air deviation plan.

How do I get from the Airport to the ships pier?

If you have booked an air/sea cruise vacation the cruise lines will supply you with a voucher for a shuttle bus. If you booked your own airline reservations it will be up to you to get to the port.

Is there a shuttle service available from the airport where youll be arriving? Is there a charge for this service or is it included? Is the service included if you dont book your flight through the Cruise Line?

If you book your flights through the cruise lines, there will be a shuttle and you

use your transfer.

How and when do I meet up with Cruise Line personnel?

They will be standing in the baggage claim area and will hold a sign with the name of the ship. They will direct you to the shuttle.

How is my luggage handled, do I have to pick it up at the airport or is it automatically sent to the ship?

You will have to pick it up at the airport and then the shuttle will take it to the ship with you.

What accommodations, if any, are made if the Airline they use causes me to miss the ship?

If you have booked with the cruise lines they will accommodate you by getting a hotel room for the night and a flight to the next port.

There are many advantages to booking an air-sea package for your cruise travel. The cruise line takes care of the airline reservation. Since cruise lines buy in bulk and usually provide a discount package rate, the ticket price is generally lower than what can be found in the general market. The transfer of luggage is easier, and a free shuttle will take you from the airport to the docks for your cruise vacation.

The cruise line will have your flight information and will be able to track your flight in case of a delay. Others on the cruise might be on the same flight and they might just hold the ship waiting for you to board. The biggest advantage is that if anything goes wrong to delay you, the cruise line will generally become more involved in getting you to the ship.

There, of course, are disadvantages as well to booking an air-sea package. You might be able to find a better deal on your own, or you may have to fly an airline you dont like. You will not get credit for frequent flyer miles by going through the cruise line, and you might not be able to fly non-stop. Finally, you might end up flying a longer route than youd pick for yourself.

You could book your own airline tickets, but only do so if you can get a better deal. The strongest consideration should be how confident you are in being able to make it to the ship for your cruise vacation on your own. If you are already flying in a few days early, know youll be there on time and you can save over the air-sea on plane tickets and shuttle costs, then you might just consider going it alone. But, remember you are going it alone. In many cruise reviews it is recommended that you book your airline reservation with the cruise line.

The cruise lines will be more likely to make accommodations and work with the airline if their booking didnt get you to the ship on time. They will be better able to track your late flight and might even delay the ship if they know youll only be slightly late. There have been many cruise vacations that have delayed the departure from port especially if there is a large group of cruise travelers on a late plane.

Depending on the circumstances, they might even rebate some of your cruise or give you a discount toward your next cruise vacation with them. However, the airlines are independent contractors. Most cruise conditions of carriage state that since the airlines are independent contractors the cruise line makes no warranty and assumes no responsibility for any failure or delay in their contractors services. This is another reason to purchase a strong trip insurance package.

When you book your own airline tickets for your cruise vacation, if the route you picked to make it to the ship fails, you are on your own. Dont risk missing your cruise travel over a few frequent flyer miles. No matter how you get to your cruise vacation, try to avoid this situation by booking a flight that leaves you plenty of time to get you to and from the pier to the airport. It is recommended that your go on the internet and read the many cruise reviews on this subject.

Happy Cruising!

Copyright © Mary Hanna, All Rights Reserved.

This article may be distributed freely on your website and in your ezines, as long as this entire article, copyright notice, links and the resource box are unchanged.

Mary Hanna has traveled the world by Air and Ship while writing eBooks, Software Reviews and Practical Articles on Internet Marketing, Cruising, Gardening and Cooking. Visit her websites at: and Anna Blog80782
Aleece Blog52762

What Are The Early Indications You May Be A Victim of Identity Theft ?

Identity theft can be extremely scary, and if you have recently lost a credit card or other types of financial documents, you are at high and immediate risk of being a victim of identity theft. If an identity thief gets a hold of your social security number or your drivers license, they may even be able to pass themselves off as you. Once they have your credit card, they can actually start racking up bills in your name as well.

If you see any evidence that someone has been tampering with your mail, this may be an early warning that someone is trying to steal your identity. Also, if your credit card bills have not arrived when they should, you should starting having some serious questions in your mind. At times identity thieves can actually get these statements so you are not able to see what is going on with your finances.

Another very strong sign that you may be a victim of identity theft is that if you see bills arriving for purchases you know you never made. This is another reason that identity thieves may try to get your mail so you do not know what is going on. Some times an identity thief can actually start to have your mail delivered to somewhere else, so if you do not receive important documents like bank statements and credit card bills, you may want to start looking into the problem.

Even if your bills and bank statements are not getting through to you, you may still be able to find some signs of the problem. You may be getting receipts, follow up promotions, and even thank you letters from companies you have never heard of before. Also, you may find that creditors start trying to contact you by telephone. If this happens, then you may have been a victim of identity theft.

You may also find that you have other problems with various financial services as well. Maybe you try to get a mortgage or a credit card, only to find out that your credit score has mysteriously dropped. This means you need to get a copy of your credit report to see what is going on with your credit that you do not know about. You may also get turned down for state benefits or social security as well. If they tell you that you are already getting these benefits, then it is probably because a identity thief is already getting those benefits under your name.

At times you could even find out that someone got a mobile phone and signed up for an extremely expensive contract and phone, all by using your name as well. If you find that you have evidence of a problem, then you need to start reviewing your finances to see what is going on. If you can detect identity theft early on, you will be able to take care of the problem before it becomes extremely bad for your credit and reputation.

Leon Edward provides information online on identity theft prevention and FREE Identity Theft Prevention Checklist at his website http://www.PreventIdentityTheftFraud.comAlejandrina Blog52333
Berrie Blog60896

Las Vegas Schools Prosper this Summer

A Celebration of Progress Marks the Opening of New Las Vegas School Buildings

This past August, leaders from the Las Vegas Schools gathered at the Cashman Theatre for A Celebration of Progress. This was a celebration to mark the opening of nine new schools and one replacement school in the Las Vegas School System. In attendance were officials from Las Vegas Schools, Nevada State officials, community leaders, school principals, and architects. Las Vegas Schools A Celebration of Progress was hosted by entertainer Clint Holmes.

The event was sponsored by The Council of Educational Facility Planners International; this is the eighth year that the Council of Educational Facility Planners International has sponsored this event. The Council of Educational Facility Planners International is an organization of education and construction professionals that aims to improve the places in which students learn. Various models and renderings of the new facilities were displayed and the students from these new schools created exhibits promoting school spirit. This years keynote speakers were Las Vegas Schools Superintendent Dr. Walt Rulffes and Mrs. Ruth Johnson, President of the Clark County School District Board of School Trustees. The Hal Smith Elementary School choir performed, as well as the CP Squires After School All-Stars folkloric dance team.

The new school buildings were constructed to meet Las Vegas Schools expanding enrollment that will have around 12,000 new students enroll for the 2006-2007 school year. This influx of new students raises the total number of students in the Las Vegas Schools to over 300,000. The new schools include six elementary schools, two middle schools and one high school. The replacement school building is also a high school.

At the August 9th A Celebration of Progress event Paul Gerner, Associate Superintendent for Facilities, thanked the architectural and construction partners who made the new schools possible. The Las Vegas Schools system is expected to continue is substantial growth for many years to come.

Las Vegas School Students Take Part in Youth Leadership Summit

This summer several Las Vegas Schools students went to the Youth Leadership Summit in Washington, D.C. The Youth Leadership Summit was created through a partnership between The National Council for Community and Education Partnerships and Booz Allen Hamilton. The Youth Leadership Summit is designed to give students an opportunity to participate in educational reform. Students invited to the Youth Leadership Summit were participants in the Las Vegas Schools GEAR UP program, which is a national program, intended to increase the number of students who go to and succeed in university and college. Along with participation in the GEAR UP program, students were selected based on their academic performance, leadership roles they take in their schools and recommendations from their principals and teachers. All of the participants from Las Vegas Schools will be seniors in the 2006-2007 school year.

The Youth Leadership Summit included different activities in the areas of teamwork and leadership that encouraged the students to share their own perspectives on how educators should improve student achievement. The suggestions that resulted from the Youth Leadership Summit included: creating information centers that would aid students and families in finding information for postsecondary education and creating peer and adult tutoring and mentoring programs that support middle and high school students.

Stacy Andell is a staff writer for Schools K-12, providing free, in-depth reports on all U.S. public and private K-12 schools. Stacy has a nose for research and writes stimulating news and views on school issues. For more information on Las Vegas schools visit Blog23788
Berti Blog6630

How To Buy Mexican Auto Insurance Using This Little Known Technique

Learn Why Your Current Auto And Medical Plans Are Not Enough

Mexico consistently ranks amongst the top ten destinations for travelers. Its tropical resorts and mountain retreats offer a range of activities from shopping to adventure sports. It also creates the right circumstances for accidents and injuries.

According to the Department of State, the lead U.S. foreign affairs agency, many American visitors assume the standards of security and safety are the same as they are in the U.S. These presumptions have lead not only to serous injuries, but even deaths. Compounded by differences in Mexican law, accidents and medical emergencies can become a costly and bureaucratic nightmare. As a result, the Department of State urges citizens to take responsibility for their safety, and to also ensure that they have the auto and medical insurance needed.

Driving and Mexican Law

Mexicos law is based on Napoleonic Code where guilt is assumed over innocence. As a result, all drivers must have a Mexican insurance policy from a company authorized to do business in Mexico to cover damages or injuries.

U.S liability insurance is simply not valid in Mexico, says Linden Gray, Director of the That even includes most of the major U.S. collision and comprehensive coverage plans.

In addition to the required Mexican auto insurance, you should also consider a plan that covers legal aid and bond fees.

In Mexico, it is considered a felony to have a traffic accident, says Gray. While the police are investigating who is at fault, your vehicle may be impounded and you will be detained by Mexican authorities.

The Department of State further warns U.S. travelers that they can be prevented from leaving the country even if life-saving medical care is required.

Emergency Medical Services

Mexico has a free national health care system; however, visitors are not entitled to this service. Tourists can only receive medical treatment and medications from private clinics and hospitals. Grays company strongly urges customers to check their medical insurance company to confirm whether their policy applies in Mexico and whether it will cover emergency expenses such as a medical evacuation.

Surprisingly, most Mexican auto insurance plans will only help you find a facility, and may only cover up to four passengers. Many medical assistance plans only cover portions of the cost depending on location, activity or cause of injury. For those with the Social Security Medicare Program, costs for hospital or medical care outside the United States are not covered at all.

Its important to fill the gaps and exclusions that your auto and medical insurances have, says Gray. In addition to Mexican auto insurance, travelers should add an emergency medical assistance option because most health plans exclude medical evacuation in foreign countries.

Gray recommends a plan like Assist America which is used by the American Medical Association and the American Red Cross. This type of plan provides services such as emergency medical evacuations, critical care monitoring, and guaranteed hospital admission.

Selecting A Plan

The easiest and quickest way to find Mexican auto insurance is online. When selecting a plan, look for one that offers the following:

Third Party (Civil) Liability
Medical Expenses for Driver and Occupants
Assist America Medical and Travel Assistance
Physical Damage and Total Theft of Vehicle
Legal Assistance and Bail Bond
Roadside Assistance
Partial Theft and Vandalism
Guaranteed Hospital Admission

Make sure the plan covers you during your entire stay. Most plans have daily, six month, and annual policies.

In addition, take into consideration the type of activities you plan to enjoy and their locations. Look for medical emergency assistance plans with very few limitations or exclusions such as:

Maximum Of Number of Passengers (Other Plans Only Cover Up To 4 Passengers)
Limits less than$100,000 per passenger for Any Medical Assistance Service Including Expensive Air Or Land Evacuation.
Rural Mexico Territory Exclusion. (Almost all emergency assistance wording says We will do the best we can in rural Mexico)
Exclusions For Pre-Conditions (Except Late Pregnancy)
Sport Or Adventure Activity Exclusions (Surfing, Cycling, Mountain Biking, Mountain Climbing, Snorkeling, Kayaking Or Diving In Mexico Are All OK with Assist America )
Civil War Or Terrorism Exclusions

The Director of Mexican Insurance Store, Linden H. Gray, has over 29 years retail, wholesale, and direct insurance experience. Visit in Perris, CA for more information about Mexican Auto Insurance. Policies can be ordered and printed online in minutes.Berrie Blog60896
Barbi Blog18052

Effective Workout Routines for Women

Are you trying to get that killer body? Millions of people around the world have the same dream, and are also looking for ways to be more physically appealing. The key is finding a fun exercise regime and sticking with it. Have you found one yet? It could be swimming, hiking, biking, or jogging. Regardless of your preference, the goal is still the same. You want an impressive physique that will last a lifetime. One thing that you need to keep in mind is that the workout routines for women are not the same as workout routines for men. Ladies all over the world need to use a slightly different approach.

Are you aware of any effective workout routines for women? Maybe youre just getting started in your quest of achieving that perfect body. As we all know, exercise and proper diet are necessary if you want to enjoy a long and healthy life. Now, if you are an experienced fitness enthusiast you already may have a few workout routines for women up your sleeve. But, for all you beginners out there, here are a few useful bits of information.

Women are usually not paying much attention to weights and bodybuilding. In fact, many women are not interested in this aspect at all. There is nothing remiss about this. Women are more focused on flat stomachs and toned legs, than having impressive biceps. While this is all well and good, women should not dismiss free weights altogether. Contemporary workout routines for women consider weight training to be essential.

Women need to build muscles if they want to have a nice body. A body with flabby and weak arms would look unbalanced and asymmetrical. The key to a good exercise program is diversity. When considering workout routines for women, you should be looking at the whole picture. A few weight training exercises are just as important as a great cardio regime. If youre unsure of where to begin, then its time to hop on the World-WideWeb. Cyberspace is loaded with high quality and reliable work out routines for women.

Morgan Hamilton offers expert advice and great tips regarding all aspects concerning sports. Get the information you are seeking by visiting Blog63179
Beilul Blog54790

Understandign the progressive Resistance System

The progressive resistance system is the most forgotten system in bodybuilding today. It allows for any individual to monitor his/her progress and be assured that proper muscle hypertrophy takes place.

By using the progressive resistance system correctly, you will be able to monitor your strength increases and muscle growth better than any other system there is. Many people use the progressive resistance system and don't even know it. They instinctively know that this is the correct way to workout.

Ronnie Coleman once said in an interview in Flex magazine that he has basically used the same routine for many years that he does not change much from one workout to another, and he is Mr. Olympia many times over! How dare him use such a simple and effective system to develop one of the most freakishly phenomenal bodies known to man.

The progressive resistance system states "In order to continually see progress (muscle development) the intensity of the workout must increase as your body adapts the workout." I personally believe that there is only one true system that works it is the progressive resistance system. You start to use it as a novice trainer and 10 or 15 years later you are still applying it to your workout.

The progressive resistance system is the only system I use and the reason in obvious. All other system revolves around the principles of progressive resistance. I don't subscribe to other workout systems because they may cause injury and I have had enough in my time. Most champion bodybuilders follow the progressive resistance system in one form or another. They may employ other principles, like superset, tri-sets, giant sets, drops sets, railroad (this is old school) flush sets pre-exhaust sets, and post-exhaust sets and numerous others but the system remains the progressive resistance system.

How do I know a Principle from a System? Simple. A system is the application of principles, for instance; If I wish to continue to see results I must increase the intensity of my workout as by body adapts to the previous load. (Progressive Resistance System)

In order to increase the intensity of my workout I employ one to the principles discussed below. ( remember a system is the application of principles )

The Five Principle Ways to Increase Intensity There are five ways to increase the intensity of a workout they are; Increase the weight being used for a given exercise, Increase the amount of repetitions used in a given set. Decrease the amount of time resting between sets. Increase the amount of sets used during a given workout. And of course, any combination of the above four.

So if you are applying one of the five principles with the goal of increasing the intensity to match your body's adaptation to pervious stress of exercise, then you are using the progressive resistance system.

Reps Determine Weight used; Not the Reverse.

The repetitions ranges determine the weight not the weight determine the reps. What I mean by this is that the goal is a rep range, when doing the progressive resistance system, not the weight used. For instance, if you can only do 1-4 reps on your first set then you are a power lifter not a bodybuilder. One rep max are use only to determine what weight to use on muscle building sets. If you can only do 5-8 reps during your first set then I am doing heavy weight. If you can only do 9-12 reps during your first set then you are lifting moderate weight. And if you can only do 15- 25 reps then you are lifting light weight. Of course you understand that if you can only do these number on your first set then the numbers get less and less on all the set that follow. Further more I think for successful leg training you need more reps than the rest of the body, somewhere between 15 to 25 reps seem to work best for most.

Now when you do that same weight on your next workout for that body part you should be able to lift one to three reps more (Those not in very good shape see much better results than those is fairly good shape) on the first set, and maybe an additional rep or two on the sets that follow. When you can complete all the sets for the given number of repetitions then its time to increase the intensity (I suggest that for people with under a year of training that you only increase the weight)

Ok, when should I increase intensity and how? Real simple. Increase intensity for three reasons; To get bigger and more massive (in the winter months/ build size) To get deeper separation (spring or fall/ makes you stronger) To get define (late spring, summer, and early fall /Pick of dates)

Summer / Contest If you are trying to drop body fat develop deep cuts, and you are on a low carbohydrate, low fat or calorie restricted diet then intensity is increased by increasing the amount of reps being used on a given set. And the amount of set used in a workout. You may have to increase the duration of the workout by about 25% and drop the weight about 5 to 10% but I don't suggest a larger drop than that.

Many bodybuilders drop the weight so much during the contest and summer months in an effort to develop that ripped look that they loose muscle size. I don't believe in lowering calorie intake for diet I just increase aerobic activity.

Spring / Fall You should be either just starting to watch what you eat (spring), or are coming off a great diet (fall). In either case you need to increase your aerobic activity if its spring, and cut back the aerobics if it fall. This will allow you to more easily transition into the coming seasons and the workout style that is associated with them.

To increase intensity you will need to increase the amount of sets used during a given workout while holding the workout to the duration.

In the winter You will be on your mass cycle you will be getting as big and as strong as possible. You will have to drop the amount of sets in you workout. And increase intensity by increasing the weight being used. You workout should consist of all compound movements.

This is the time most people get injured. I suggest that you start with a weight and every 6 week you take two workout days off and drop all weights by one half the weight you increased over the last six weeks. For instanc eif during the last few week you increased the weight by 100 lbs you will take 50 percent of your increase weight and add it to you initial starting weight. That number will be your new 6 week cycle initial weight.

Troy Pearsall

Troy Pearsall has over 25 years of bodybuilding experience. 15 years as a competitive bodybuilder 15 years as a personal trainer and 10 years as a trainer of competitive bodybuilders. He has other successes in other areas but his first love is teaching the sport of bodybuilding. for mor information go to Blog64607
Carmel Blog2650

Create Your Own Exotic Paradise With Teak Patio Furniture

Teak patio furniture may be expensive to purchase but it will last for a lifetime. The richness and texture of this exotic wood will help you create the ultimate relaxing retreat in your own backyard.

If you are looking for a distinctive, high quality set of patio furniture you may want to give serious consideration to a set made of teak. Originating from South East Asia the warm tones of this closed-grained hardwood are guaranteed to make any piece of furniture stand out. It can very successfully bring an understated touch of the exotic to your backyard, blending in to perfection with the garden. You will find that its texture sets out foliage and flowers to perfection, allowing you to create the relaxing and opulent outdoors haven you deserve.

Looking after your new set of teak patio furniture could not be much easier. The wood itself is extremely durable and weather resistant and should last a lifetime. The only special care you may consider is to sand it down three or four times a year and work in some teak oil with a piece of cloth to maintain the golden color of the wood and prevent it from dulling over time. Teak is in fact such a long lasting wood that you never need worry about creaks and breaks: it is extremely resilient and will survive the most violent weathers unscathed. In that sense it is more than just another purchase to deck out your backyard.

The truth is that such outstanding qualities do come at a price, but in the end you really get your money’s worth. Buying a set of teak patio furniture is a long lasting investment, as the beautiful furniture is designed to provide year after year of stylish comfort. It may be worth building up your set piece by piece if finances are a bit tight, adding such pieces as loungers and a glider to enjoy the lazy summer afternoons from. There is no need to clean up your bank account all in one go and you can still enjoy the luxury of teak furniture by building your ideal set as and when you can afford to acquire new pieces. Teak may be on the expensive side but with a set of teak patio furniture in your backyard you will feel like you are on a far flung exotic island simply by stepping out into the garden, for a fraction of the cost of a long haul family vacation.

Teak is the ultimate exotic luxury. With a teak patio furniture set you can escape your day to day world and relax in your own private corner of paradise. The richness and texture of teak will indulge your senses every time you step outside.

Adam Peters is an online entrepreneur and writes for . A website with tips on outdoor teak gliders, and many related topics: Blog76912
Camel Blog88063

What Is The Very Best Exercise Machine?

So you've decided to start a fitness program, and you want to know what the best exercise machine is? I bet you've done some research on the web, and you're more confused now than when you started!

That's because almost everyone who's selling exercise machines and other fitness equipment is going to tell you theirs is the best, and they will probably have studies, research or testimonials to back them up. And if the product is being sold on TV, they'll probably dazzle you with the bodies of fitness models, both male and female, using their equipment. But you do know these people had these physiques before they ever set eyes on that particular piece of equipment, right?

If you're going to try and find yourself the perfect exercise machine, you have to ask yourself a few questions first, the main one being "what do I want from this equipment?". And you need to be specific. None of this "I want to lose weight", or "I want to get in shape" stuff. Nope, you need to hone in on the goal - "I want to have a 28 inch waist", or "I want to gain fifteen pounds of muscle and lose twenty pounds of fat". Then you can make some educated decisions.

Another question you need to ask yourself is whether you want an aerobic training machine or a piece of strength training equipment. If you really want to get in shape, you should be doing both - but that doesn't mean you need to buy two separate machines. More on that later. Among aerobic machines, you'll find the treadmill, elliptical machine, stepper or stairclimber, rowing machines, recumbent exercise bikes, spinning bikes and more. Strength training machines include multi-gyms, power racks, half racks, smith machines, and separate machines that concentrate on just about every individual muscle group in your body.

How many of these machines do you need? None, really. If you have the funds and the space for them, then they can make exercise more convenient. But you can get a great strength training workout with a bench and some dumbells and/or a bar and weight plates. If for some reason, you can't swing that - not a problem. You can do bodyweight exercises such as pushups, dips, pullups, situps, crunches etc. You might think these are too easy to build any real strength or muscle, but there are ways to make them hard enough for even the strongest person. We don't have room to go into that here, but do a little research on the web for bodyweight exercises. You might be surprised at what you find. When it comes to your aerobic workout, you can jog, run, walk briskly, jump rope, do jumping jacks, or create your own interval workout from conditioning exercises like the crab walk, bear walk, walking lunge, jumping jacks, etc. Do a few sets of those without stopping and see whether or not it gets your heartrate up! Once again, if you don't know what these exercises are, just do a web search.

But I want an exercise machine! Ok, if you say so. When the elliptical trainer first became popular about ten years ago, there were some studies showing that you could get a better workout on that machine than if you invested the same amount of effort on the treadmill. Level of perceived exertion, they call it. But then some other studies seemed to show that it was really the treadmill that allowed you to get equal benefits while feeling like you were cruising a little bit. So where am I going with all this contradictory research? Well, the truth of the matter is that this research doesn't really matter that much to you. Or to me. Because if I hate to sit on a bike seat, it doesn't matter if a study comes out tomorrow saying that the exercise bike provides a workout ten times better than any other piece of aerobic equipment. If I'm not going to sit on that seat, I'd be stupid to go out and buy a bike. Actually, I own a spinning bike and love it, so that wasn't a very realistic example, but I think you get the point :-)

Experiment to see what works for you. Try a spinning class. Try jogging in the park. Try pushups and pullups, or a power rack, or bench presses. Hop on the elliptical at the gym, or find a friend who has one. Try them all to see what you like, and then build a balanced strength and aerobic program from those options. That's what'll keep you exercising consistently, and doing it consistently is the main key to getting the results that you want.

If you want to read more about exercise machines and all areas of fitness, click over to Joe's site at Blog37890
Anita Blog85039

Not All Spyware Is Malicious But Must Be Removed

Though not all Spyware is malicious they must be removed all the same. The reason being that they will ultimately expand the registry of the system and stall the programs and generally make the system unstable.

Some people believe that you may not always need to remove spyware because Spyware is not always malicious. There are many kinds of Spyware that can infect your PC. Most of them are, thankfully, not uploaded with malicious intent. But why take chances. First of all let us analyze how Spyware comes to get onto the system in the first place. People who browse the Internet come across many sites that offer free download. Clicking on these downloads may bring with it some program in the background or hidden from the user. This may be in the form of ActiveX controls or components. When we download certain programs the download program flashes a message requiring the user to allow the download of an ActiveX control without which the download will not work. This ActiveX control is registered in the CLSID files of the registry. Once the download is complete the ActiveX control stored as a .OCX file begins its stealthy work. Best Spyware removal programs are especially weary of ActiveX controls and remove any malicious looking .OCX files.

Not All Spyware Cause Damage

Spyware is not always illegal. You may have inadvertently agreed to the use of the Spyware by clicking on the 'agree' button without reading the agreement. This kind of Spyware, however, does not carry out any malicious activity. It just collects data off all the Internet sites you visit and mails the information to the host where it came from. This does not mean that you cannot remove it when you want. You can do so with certain free Spyware Virus removal programs that search and remove adware and Spyware as well. There are malicious and downright criminal Spyware as well. This type of Spyware locates personal information such as that pertaining to your credit card or online bank information and is used for criminal activities usually causing a lot of damage to you. The system must be regularly scanned with free Spyware Adware removal utilities and then the registry cleaned with a registry cleaner to make sure the system is always secure.

Run Anti Spyware Every Time You Think Of It

Spyware can be removed from the system by using anti Spyware programs. However the anti Spyware software does not remove the entries of the ware from the registry. Special free anti Spyware removal software is required to do just that. Free anti Spyware removal software such as Microsoft Spyware removal tool, Yahoo Spyware removal utility or any of the free Spyware removal tools can scan the registry for broken links and useless entries that are no longer linked to programs. These free Spyware removal tools will then remove these entries from the registry freeing up disk space and compacting the registry for efficient use.

Arvind Singh is admin and technical expert associated with development of computer security and performance enhancing software like Registry Cleaner, Window Cleaner, Anti Spam Filter etc. More information can be found at http://www.pcmantra.comAlex Blog52245
Brynn Blog43851

Give Your Logo The Essential Power!

No matter what you do to make your business a success, everything would be fruitless if your business fails to register proper recognition in its market. To let your logo display its potential to the full, it is highly important to design it accordingly. Logos stand for the identity of any business or organization and as such, should mirror its objectives to the full. Hence, adequate attention is required to build up the identity that your business aims for.

Creation of a company or business logo not only requires skill but intelligence as well. This is a task of great responsibility and should be handed to efficient designers, who have proved themselves in this business. Often, entrepreneurs want to try their hand at designing their own logos but the results might not be so bright unless you are a professional graphic designer. Business logos serve as marketing tools and are used on letterheads, business cards, signs and so on. It's, therefore, not feasible to let your logo appear as an amateurish work in front of the world. So, the first step towards lending your logo the essential power would be to assign the task to a professional.

The next step towards a powerful logo creation involves the role of entrepreneurs in the designing task. This is by no means in contrast to what has been said earlier. Entrepreneurs should discuss their business goals and prospects with the designers to convey what they want their logo to represent. They should be able to translate their logos for various promotional items as posters, classifieds, business cards, brochures, etc. Once the outline of the logo has been finalized, the client should review the design and make suggestions. Feedback and reviews should always be welcomed so as to make the logo design more alluring. It's important for your logo to look good both in black and white. Avoid using too many colors in a single logo design.

Any business or company logo design should possess the inherent capacity of standing the weathers of time. Following the changing trends will never account for the lasting success of any logo. Once the trend wanes, the logo too goes beyond recognition, in other words, it loses its identity. The target of any business entrepreneur should thus be the creation of a unique logo design that would stand the test of time and register an indelible impression on the onlookers' minds. It's definitely not a layman's job to create such unique logos. Simple but unique: that's the recipe for a powerful and effective logo. Intelligent design and concept makes a logo unique. For instance, if your business is based in the US, do not use a star in the logo as hundreds of competitive companies have already done so. Besides, the logo design of any organization should appeal to its target audience.

To let your logo imbibe more power within itself, the name of the business (either in abbreviation or in full text) can be imprinted. However, this should not make the logo complex. Your logo design should appear clean and simple, and reflect the motto and feel of your business. Once your logo has achieved the power, gaining an advantage over your business competitors would not be a big ask.

Suzanne Macquire is an Internet marketing professional with expertise in content development and technical writing in a variety of industries.Cathrin Blog1627
Candy Blog86520

How a 21 Year Old Makes Enough Money To Go To College For Free

How many times have you stayed up to watch a late-night infomercial, explaining to how you could make millions doing hardly any work?

I know I used to watch them, hoping one day Id finally find something actually worth investing my time and money into.

Fortunately I never had to take the route of taking the advice of some expert who wanted $599 from me to learn the secrets of the trade. I found something much more powerful, much easier, and much cheaper. It also takes up much less of my time.

What Im talking about is a company called Site Build It! also known as SBI! (Yes, the exclamation point is supposed to be there).

The owner of this company is an absolute genius. He found a growing trend that of building websites online - and figured out the weaknesses of other hosting companies and online website building companies, and turned them into SBIs strengths.

You see, building a website online is one of the easiest and best things you can do to create yourself an extra stream of income. All you need is a little of your time, some knowledge about any topic youre interested in, and the help of SBI!

However youll still hear many complaints from people that theyve tried building websites online and it doesnt work anymore. Im here to tell you that the only reason they arent succeeding is because they dont have Site Build It!

Another complaint from website owners is that although they thought it would be cheap to set up a website, it really isnt. Website builders lure you into thinking that youll only pay for the website address and the hosting fees, but they forget to mention that youll need thousands of dollars worth of extra tools in order to do well. They also dont mention the fact that unless you have studied Internet marketing for hundreds of hours, you will probably have no idea what youre doing.

With SBI! its very different. For one, its an all inclusive package. You wont ever have to buy any other software or tools in order to make your website succeed. You wont need to devote hundreds of hours into learning how to build and market a website on the Internet. Using the very unique block-builder literally anybody can make a website.

When I came across this company, I was blown away. Finally, an answer to all my problems was right in front of my eyes. I had this underlying feeling inside me that was saying this is the opportunity youre looking for. After you learn more about the company, youll probably feel the same way.

So I decided to purchase the product. After all, it comes with a satisfaction guarantee which means that if youre not happy with it, you can get a refund at any time.

I spent some time watching their 10-day action guide in order to learn the basics, and I was ready to go. I researched a few passions of mine (using the amazing tools they provide to make it super-easy) and figured out what would be the most profitable.

So I started writing, adding graphics, and setting up the website. To be honest, I spent a lot of time on it in the beginning because I got addicted! I never thought I would enjoy writing as much as I do now.

My income has grown every month, and right now I make enough money each month to pay off my college loans that Ill have to start paying when I graduate college this year.

How would you like to pay your mortgage each month, even if you hardly work? Or how about just have more money to spend on your spouse, entertainment, your children, or to fund other investments?

As a testament to how powerful it is to have your own website, let me share this with you. I just got back from vacation a few days ago. I was gone for a week and had absolutely no access to a computer. When I got back I checked my stats and figured out that I made $135 while on vacation!

Another great thing about having your own website is that you get to share your passion with thousands of people. Its a great feeling knowing that youre the expert people come to if they have questions about your passion or hobby.

SBI! has changed my life in such a way that I cant explain it. Its taught me countless lessons, made me more passive income than I could have ever expected, and continues to make more money as times goes on. The SBI! community is the most amazing online community Ive ever been a part of, and the owner, Ken Evoy, is a phenomenal person.

I believe everything happens for a reason. That being said, I believe theirs a reason that you found and read this article. Thats why I encourage you to visit the website listed in my bio just below this article and check out the website for further details. Opportunities are missed everyday. Dont let today be one of those days.

Jeremy Reeves is a college student who was lucky enough to come across a company called Site Build It! Through them he has built a website that continues to earn him enough money to pay for his college tuition. You can read his story at Blog22259
Caril Blog46499

Parenting Concepts: Guides To Great Parenting

Parenting skills are something that new parents can only learn on the fly. It is not really something that comes with a set of directions. What parents can do is make the commitment to invest the time, effort, and dedication necessary to raise their children to be honest, responsible people.

It would be impossible to draw up a list of list of hard and fast rules and methods for parenting. Simply because not all family situations are alike, and not all children respond to parenting methods in the same way. If this is so, does that make any talk of learning about parenting useless?

Absolutely not! While methods may have differing effects, and every situation calls for a different set of rules, the things that should remain constant are the basic concepts each parent must learn. These concepts will help guide parents in their constant effort to be better parents.

Unconditional Love Unconditional love is one of the concepts that should permeate every action and every interaction between parent and child. It is also one of the most misunderstood concepts. How a parent expresses this to the child may very well determine how the child views himself, and his/her worth.

Many children grow up with a low sense of self-esteem as a result of many different factors. They may feel that the love they are shown depends on their accomplishments. Or, they may feel unwanted, or unloved.

All parents should, early on, be certain to show their children how important they are, no matter what, so that they can grow-up loving in the same way. This concept is very important in building self worth.

Responsibility Children should grow up with a sense of responsibility for their actions, and the things around them. Far too many children grow up to be irresponsible parents, friends, and family, not caring or not knowing how to care, and to accept their own responsibilities.

Children who grow without a sense of responsibility too often find themselves blaming other people for things they should be dealing with themselves. Alternately, lack of responsibility training could cause children to blame themselves for things that they have no control over. This is an opposite, but equally undesirable problem.

Responsible children learn to care for and properly manage their time and resources and ultimately your time and resources as a parent as well!

Respect Children should be taught to respect at an early age. They learn that there are people that they should answer to, and that there is organization within every social unit. They learn that no matter whom the person they are talking to, that person has worth and should be respected.

This will help make relationships grow smoothly; as respect is one of the foundations of any good relationship. Children who learn to give and expect respect in return, adjust better to other people than those who dont.

Conclusion - As a parent one helpful illustration might be to think of raising children as being like flying a kite - you let the kite fly into to the wind, giving slack as the kite flies higher, and reining it in if overwhelmed by the wind. But, like the kite, if properly flown your children could accomplish greater heights of personal development with the help of your support and parenting.

Carl DiNello is an Article Author whose articles are featured on websites covering the Internets most popular topics. Barbi Blog18052
Buffy Blog39067

Home Equity Lines Of Credit For Starting Your Own Business

All the initial steps for starting your own business can easily be financed with the funds obtained from a home equity line of credit and the flexibility for repayment will provide you with the ease you need to concentrate specifically on your business instead on repaying the loan.

The characteristics of home equity lines of credit are perfect for this purpose.

In this article we will analyze the concepts of home equity and home equity lines of credit and explain why these particular lines of credit are perfect tools for starting new businesses and what the benefits that these financial products provide are.

Defining Equity

Equity is the difference between the current value of your property and any pecuniary obligations that it is guaranteeing. These obligations can be liens, mortgages, etc. The amount of available equity is obtained by subtracting the amount of the outstanding obligations to the valuation price of the property.

Thus, if you own a property that is worth $120,000 and your current mortgage balance is around $70,000 that means that you still have $50,000 of available equity on your home that you can use for obtaining a loan or line of credit and use it for any purpose you can think of. Following we will analyze home equity lines of credit for starting businesses.

Lines Of Credit for Businesses

Lines of credit are revolving sources of funds that can provide you with all the finance you need for starting a business if they are based on sufficient equity. The idea is that you are granted credit up to a certain amount limit which is guaranteed with your home equity. In the above example you would count with up to $50,000 on your line of credit to start your own business.

There is no need for you to withdraw the whole amount and as long as you dont request money, the line of credit wont generate interests. Youll only have to pay a small maintenance fee.

Moreover, say you withdraw $10,000, the interest rate will only be charged over that $10,000. Once you repay the amount, it will stop generating interests and you can withdraw that amount or any amount up to the credit limit whenever you want.

As regards repayment, it is also very simple. You will only be required to repay a minimum amount every month, just like with credit cards. This minimum almost always consists on the interests and sometimes a small portion of the principal. This provides you with a lot of flexibility.

When starting a business you cant be suffering pressure from lenders because you need to concentrate on generating income rather than repaying a loan. Thus, home equity lines of credit provide you with all the finance you need and dont asphyxiate your business with high monthly payments.

Once your running business generates enough income for you to cope with higher payments, you can start repaying the principal at your best convenience. Moreover, you can easily fix the interest rate (that is otherwise always variable) and turn the home equity line of credit into a home equity loan.

Jessica Peterson writes financial articles for where she shares her knowledge about how to get money for a starting-up business, consolidating any kind of debt, repairing a home even with a bad credit history and more.Alisun Blog48559
Birgit Blog13977

How To Choose A Credible Distance Learning Degree

More and more universities and colleges are offering distance learning degree education such as Bachelor degrees, Masters and even Doctorate PhD degrees to students who prefer to study from the comfort of their own homes rather than attending campus classes.

Even as the credibility of some distance learning degrees are being questioned on their credibility, famous universities like Harvard University and Phoenix University are already hopping on the distance learning degree track.

Distance learning education offers students the opportunity to study and earn a degree level education at where the students are located. This will also mean that students living in another part of the world can also study and take examinations online without ever stepping foot into any college or university campuses.

All the distance learning student needs to do is to watch online lectures, access course material and take examinations through a learning management system and communicate with lecturers over the internet or on the telephone.

This method of obtaining a credible accredited university degree will auger well for the distance learning universities, colleges as well as the students since more students from around the globe can enroll in the courses offered by these institutions. This will also result in keeping the costs of running the degree courses much lower and making the university fees more affordable to potential students.

As with anything, there will always be the good the bad and the ugly. There will be so called universities offering fake degrees without even going through a course of studies. So it is vital to ensure that the distance learning college or university you are enrolling in is appropriately accredited. This can be done by checking on the accreditation body that provides the accreditation and re-confirm it with education agencies.

By and large, most accredited distance learning colleges offer real and recognized degree programs. Most online education classes use the same course content, materials, instructors and even same examination questions as those students who attend the on campus programs. In other words, the online degrees are of the same quality as those of the on campus degrees.

Numerous researches and studies conducted on accredited universities and colleges has shown that the distance learning degree programs are effective and have consistent student's achievement.

The California State University at Northridge conducted study on students in online education programs and reported its findings as follows :-

a) Students online learning programs tested 20% better than their counterparts in a traditional classroom study environment.

b) Distance learning students tend to be more self-motivated, disciplined, and are higher achievers.

c) Distance learning students spend 50% more time collaborating with other online students than students in the on-campus environment.

d) There is no difference in distance learning education results versus in-class accomplishment. The research found that student's attitude and motivation being the determining factor of their results and the methods of delivery in the class do not matter at all.

So if you are uneasy about the credibility of distance learning colleges or universities degree program, these findings should put you more at ease.

Chris Chew is a researcher. More free articles at and http://create-attract-wealth.blogspot.comBamby Blog38287
Angelle Blog3547

Seminar Topics - Talk Business, Not IT

Seminar topics are difficult to think of. We know that hosting seminars is an excellent way to network and use relationship marketing. The problem lies in figuring out a seminar topic that will appeal to the clients in your sweet spot.

When choosing a seminar topic, people in the IT business typically choose IT related topics. This is one of the biggest mistakes I see people make. The folks who are interested in technology related seminars, are other technology based businesses. If your seminar topic is on Voice Over IP, you'll get a bunch of audience members in the same business as you.

You don't want your seminar topic to attract your competition; you want it to attract potential clients. You do this by offering seminar topics that focus on business problems. Especially business problems you can solve.

An excellent way to think of seminar topics is to focus on an industry. Determine what you can you do to help the businesses in the industry, and, voila - you have a seminar topic that will attract the audience you want.

If you're going to do something for a general audience it will be harder to hit their hot buttons, but you must still focus on seminar topics that are important to a business owner.

Seminar Topic Themes and Ideas
Designing a "hipper" network
How to shop for the best file server
How to improve IT security
Increase your productivity with IT
How to maximize your return on investment in IT
Protecting against computer viruses
How to make sure your firewall is adequate
How to make sure your wireless network isn't exposed

Bottom Line on Seminar Topics

In order to come up with great seminar topics you have to think like your target audience. Ask yourself what the average small business owner is going to be most interested in. Design a seminar topic around a general business issue, or get really targeted and focus on a problem plaguing a particular industry. Either way, ditch the technology related topics and concentrate on business related seminar topics.

Copyright MMI-MMVII, Computer Consulting 101 Blog. All Worldwide Rights Reserved. {Attention Publishers: Live hyperlink in author resource box required for copyright compliance}

Joshua Feinberg of Computer Consulting 101 helps computer consultants get more steady, high-paying clients. Sign-up now for free access Joshua's field-tested, proven Computer Consulting 101 strategies at Blog64258
Audrie Blog81903

Increase Your System Performance with a few Basic Windows XP Tweaks

Increase Your System Performance with a few Basic Windows XP Tweaks

Windows XP is currently the most popular operating system for personal computers and comes in two broad categories--XP Home and XP Pro. XP home is designed for home users who do not need the more heavyweight corporate applications such as a web server but still require a scalable and reliable operating system. While Windows XP runs well out of the box, there are tricks that can be used to optimize your installation. There are great Windows XP tweaks that involve broadband settings, registry entries, and other under utilized components of WinXP.

While this first group of tips can not properly be considered Windows XP tweaks, they are so important that they should be included in any guide that discusses WinXP performance and efficiency. The single most important thing you can do to ensure to WinXP performance is to make sure that your computer is free from viruses, trojans, spyware, and other pieces of software that could serve to slow down or otherwise compromise the functioning of your WinXP computer. The first thing that you should do, particularly if you have an always on broadband connection, is to install a firewall. A firewall locks down the software entry points (called ports) that applications use interact with your computer. Ports are simply numbers that, when combined with your internet protocol (IP) address, specify a single channel of network communication. Some ports should usually be open, such as port 80 which allows web HTTP communication to occur, but others should be locked unless they are needed by a legitimate program. By default, the entire range of ports is open to the world on a WinXP machine. A firewall blocks all unused ports and lets the WinXP user decide which ports to open. WinXP service pack 2 contains a firewall that is on by default. Another member of this class of Windows XP tweaks is to install anti virus and anti spyware software. These programs can clear up the malicious pieces of software that siphon of your WinXP machine's performance.

Once you have implemented the above vital Windows XP tweaks, it is time to look at other performance based steps that you can use. The WinXP registry is a centralized data structure that WinXP programs, including WinXP itself, use to store configuration data. The registry can quickly become crowded and hence more slow to search. Particularly if you remove unused programs that do not uninstall properly, they may leave behind garbage in the registry that can cause registry searches to slow. Since registry searches can occur at any time during program execution (particularly during start up), a clogged WinXP registry can cause the entire system to slow. There are numerous free and share ware programs out there that can help you clean your WinXP registry. It is not advisable to muck around the registry yourself, and always be sure to back up your registry before making any changes.

Another important class of Windows XP tweaks is to keep your hard drive defragmented. Hard drives become fragmented when application programs save different parts of files in different places on your hard drive. For example, in order to maximize available space, WinXP may decide to save part of your file in different places on the hard drive. This means that access time for that file will become slow. Over time, your hard drive can accumulate many such fragmented files and generally become a mess. This can slow your computer down a great deal. Fortunately, it is easy to de-fragment your hard drive using built in WinXP utilities. The process can take a number of hours to complete, so many people choose to de-fragment their hard drive overnight.

Kris Mainieri shows you the best ways to optimize, secure, and maintain your computer absolutely FREE in his free ebook "The XP Tweaking Guide" check it out at Blog3180
Ashien Blog34998

Protect Yourself with a Home Inspection

Home inspection plays a very important role in the real estate process. When you are buying or selling a home, you rely on a home inspector to provide an accurate and reliable inspection of a property. A home inspector will tell you about the condition of the home and help you avoid buying a home that needs major repairs. It is the perfect way to get an in-depth and impartial opinion of your next home before you buy it.

What to Expect

Typically, you will hire a home inspector either immediately before an offer is made on a home or as a contingency to a sale. Additionally, home inspections are ideal if you want to evaluate your home's condition or diagnose potential problems before they become serious issues.

Home inspectors perform the following duties:

-Evaluate the physical condition of a property, including the structure, construction and mechanical systems.

-Identify the items that should be repaired or replaced.

-Estimate the remaining useful life of the major systems (such as electrical, plumbing, heating, air conditioning), equipment, structure, and finishes.

Although inspections are primarily visual, inspectors may use tape measures, survey instruments, metering devices, and other equipment, such as concrete strength measurers, to aid in their inspection. They keep a log of their work, take photographs, and file a formal report.

The inspection usually takes two or three hours (depending on the age and size of the home). You should be present so you can ask questions and learn about areas that need additional work. All of the findings will be presented in a formal report that details the condition of the home.

A Close Look

The main purpose of the home inspector is to provide an objective viewpoint on the condition of a specific home at the time of inspection. The inspector does not evaluate the cost or value of the property, but provides a close examination of the following:

Structural Components: Foundations, floors and walls.

Exterior Components: Siding paint, windows, decks, garage doors, etc.

Roofing: Coverings, flashings, chimneys, etc.

Plumbing: Piping, fixtures, faucets, water heating and fuel storage systems, etc.

Electrical: Wiring, main service panels, conductors, switches, receptacles, etc.

Heating: Equipment, safety controls, distribution systems, chimneys, etc.

Air Conditioning and Heat Pumps: Cooling and air-handling equipment, controls and ducting, etc.

Interior: Partitions, ceilings, floors, railings, doors and windows, etc.

Insulation and Ventilation: Attics, walls, floors, foundations, kitchen and bathrooms, etc.

They will additionally perform the following services (sometimes for an extra fee): mold sampling, radon testing, asbestos evaluation, pests/wood destroying organisms, carbon monoxide testing, lead testing, and more. These services are not always available.

Make sure to protect your investment. Get a home inspection before you buy your next home!

Heather Brunson is a lead marketing writer for Allied Schools. She has a B.A. in Journalism with an emphasis on public relations. She has additional experience in technical writing.Anita Blog85039
Alis Blog96050

The Basics Of Student Loan Debt Consolidation

You can combine several of your student or parent loans into a single student loan debt consolidation. You can consolidate your federal student loans too, but make sure that you do not consolidate both your federal student loans and private student loans into a single student loan debt consolidation program. Just as other debt consolidation loans, you must make your student loan debt consolidation payments to a single lender, who further disburses to your old creditors.

To go for debt consolidation of your student loans, your minimum balance should be $5,000, and you must either be in the six month grace period after your studies, or are already repaying your student loan.

Before selecting your student loan debt consolidation option, review all the advantages and the disadvantages:

Through debt consolidation you make your student loan payments to a single lender.

Depending on the balance of your loan amount, your consolidated student loan has an extended repayment term from 10 to 30 years.

When negotiating with your bank or financial institutions, ensure that your phased repayment plan allows you to easily meet your monthly payments and have a good credit rating, at the same time.

The rate of interest for student loan debt consolidation is capped at 8.25 percent for federal student loans.

Once the rate is fixed you cannot take advantage if the interest rates fall in future.

There are no fees charged for student loan debt consolidation.

Once approved, you cannot undo your debt consolidation of your student loans as they have already repaid in full to your previous creditors, and they no longer exist.

You can still obtain debt consolidation for your over due, or unfulfilled, student loans if you negotiate a satisfactory repayment plan with your bank, or debt consolidation lender. Married couples, too, can consolidate their individual student loans together. This is regardless of how much each owns before consolidation, and must now agree to pay the consolidated amount.

Gibran Selman takes care of a website dedicated to gather information, on and off the internet, about debt consolidation and other related subjects.Anna Blog3357
Catlaina Blog97178

Unique Date Ideas

Magic Show

Movies are boring, and youre not really theater people? Try a magic show. Let the mysteries of the unknown wash over you as you sip a cocktail together and enjoy real entertainment.

Laser Tag

Does your girl have a competitive edge? Arm yourself with laser guns and enter a full-out war in a special laser tag arena. It is always best to try and be on the same side as to avoid a full-blown confrontation in the first thirty minutes of your date, but if shes actually up for laser tag, anything goes.

Scuba Diving

If youre both certified, why not scuba? Even if youre not certified, snorkeling isnt a bad choice either. Experience the wonders of the ocean floor together thirty, or three, feet under. You should always dive with a buddy, so why not make it an attractive buddy?

Deep Sea Fishing

Bobbing in the waves with endless ocean stretching out in all directions can be the perfect backdrop for a little romantic adventure fish! Enjoy the adrenaline rush as she lands her first keeper, and you might even get to assist her as she reels it in.


If the wind and freedom speak to the both of you, why not answer the call and fly away together? Hang-gliding can be both exhilarating and peaceful at the same time, and would be wonderful to experience with the person you love, or at least like a lot.


Want to race? Hop in a go-kart and see who the superior driver is once and for all! A little healthy competition can be good for a relationship, especially if there is laughter involved, too.

Hot Air Balloon

The most majestic views ever offered are available only from a dangling basket hundreds of feet in the sky. Take a hot air balloon ride and be dazzled by the vastness of the landscape as well as her expression of wonder.


Nature is calling, and who better to answer than you? Suit up and take a leisurely, or intense, hike through national parks or nature preserves in your area. Feast on granola bars and feel the warmth of the sunshine as the two of you march to your own beat.

Mountain Biking

For a bit more of a workout and rush, try mountain biking. Rent or take your own bikes to a suitable trail, bring along some water and maybe a band-aid and youre off on a magical, jarring ride for two.

Volunteer Work

Helping others is one of the most rewarding experiences available. Why not work together in a food pantry or soup kitchen? There are always charitable organizations in need of help and working for the greater good will break down any defenses and allow the two of you greater intimacy.

Ron Zvagelsky has a degree in Business Administration from the University of Southern California. He graduated Magna Cum Laude in May 2006. He is currently the Chief Executive Officer of - an interactive planning website. Carmel Blog2650
Amandi Blog38828

Detroit Schools Excel in National Competitions

Detroit Schools Win Awards in the Academic Games Leagues of America Competition

Schulze Elementary, representing the Detroit Schools, has won several awards, in this years Academic Games Leagues of America Competition. The elementary school had several teams competing in the Academic Games Leagues of America Competition. Both team and individual awards were given for performance. The teams have won state awards at the Michigan League of Academic Games competition held in Grand Rapids and the Academic Games Leagues of America Competition held in Eatonton, Georgia. Three teams received awards in the state level, Team Unbelievable, Team Unpredictable, and Team Small Wonders. Team Unpredictable members were Kiara Chatman, Tierra Holland, Toria Holland, Ahmed Patterson, and Chaves Wesley. Team Unbelievable members were DLante Boyce, Dantez Boykin, Anesha Hamlin, Royal Maxwell, and BheAnna Thomas. Team Small Wonders team captain was Kambria Chatman.

Team Unpredictable is the State Champions in the Wff n Proof Game, First Place in the Elementary Division in the On-Words Game, Third Place in the Elementary Division in the On-Sets Game and Honorable Mention in Propaganda. Team Unbelievable won Second Place in Elementary Division for the On-Words Game and Team Small Wonders won First Place in Elementary Division for the Minor Equations Game. Team Unpredictable went on to compete and win several awards at the Academic Games Leagues of America Competition. They won team awards in the following: Second Place in On-Sets Game and Wff n Proof Game, Third Place in Propaganda and Overall Math, and Second Place in Best Overall Team in the Elementary Division. Team Unpredictable team members also received some individual awards. In the Wff n Proof Game the First Place Individual winner was Tierra Holland and the Second Place Individual winner was Chaves Wesley. The Detroit Schools are proud at how well they were represented.

Academic Games Leagues of America

The Academic Games Leagues of America is a non-profit organization founded in 1991 to encourage and conduct academic games competition at the local and national level. There are currently state chapters in Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Michigan, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and West Virginia. Detroit Schools is an active member in both the state and national organizations. The academic games are designed to create situations where students must attempt to outthink each other in the fields of mathematics, language arts and social studies. Game types include games Equations On-Sets, and LinguiSHTIK require a kit in which cubes are rolled and played on a board and games Presidents, World Events and Propaganda involve students answering questions read by a central reader.

The Crocket Career Technical Center Competes at the Michigan State Health Occupations Students of America Conference

Twenty-one students from Detroit Schools participated in and competed in the Michigan State Health Occupations Students of America Conference held in Traverse City. The students represented Detroit Schools in competition involving various health related competitive games with students form other Michigan State Health Occupations Students of America groups. Health Occupations Students of America is a national student organization endorsed by the U.S. Department of Education and the Health Science Technology Education Division of ACTE. HOSA provides a unique program of leadership development, motivation, and recognition exclusively for secondary, postsecondary, adult, and collegiate students enrolled in HSTE programs. Awards won by Detroit Schools students include: Tellyah Kennedy in Category II Health Occupation Skills Events

Stacy Andell is a staff writer for Schools K-12, Which provides free, in-depth reports on all U.S. public and private K-12 schools. Stacy has a nose for research and writes stimulating news and views on school issues.Cassandry Blog14584
Arline Blog69378

A Tribute To Maria Montessori

"The only purpose of education is to teach a student how to live his life by developing his mind and equipping him to deal with reality. The training he needs is theoretical, i.e., conceptual. He has to be taught to think, to understand, to integrate, to prove. He has to be taught the essentials of the knowledge discovered in the past and he has to be equipped to acquire further knowledge by his own efforts."

Ayn Rand, "The Comprachicos"

The state of education in New Zealand is a shambles. Parents who are concerned about the future well-being of their children are searching desperately for educational alternatives. The increased demand for private schooling and the dramatic rise in the number of home-schooled children provide an accurate measure of the growing degree of parental dissatisfaction with the current situation.

But unless responsible and well-meaning parents are armed with the philosophical knowledge to be able to choose a rational educational method for their children i.e., a type of educational method that will fully prepare their children for successful adult life then it is quite likely that the results will be just as disappointing for them as for those parents who have left their children's education in the hands of the state.

There is no guarantee whatsoever that private or home-schooling per se will produce satisfactory results. It is one thing to opt out of a state system that not only stunts, but positively perverts a child's intellectual and moral growth (see Editorial, Turning Minds to Mush, TFR #9)

Chris LewisAnett Blog8061
Allis Blog47004

Requirements Of A Vocational Training Center

Once the basic formal education is over the moment of concern arrives. The confusion about choice of vocation causes a lot of tension in the minds of parents and the youth. Those who have clear goals of academic achievement and the means to realize it would go ahead and continue with their higher education in the formal line. Those who want to make a career in time and begin to earn well in time would choose a career oriented vocational training.

There are various economic groups that would choose to be trained in a skill that would give them sustained income and some amount of economic security like the middle class people, disabled, socially disadvantaged and those with high edge technical aptitude who wants to excel in that. A Vocational training center provides opportunities for these sections of people. A vast majority of educated youth choose to earn early and settle in life at the earliest.

Requirements of a vocational training center:

A vocational training centre should, first and foremost, should have a clear vision about the target group. A clear statistical knowledge of the candidates it targets, their economic background, their requirements, the average educational qualification of the local demography are some of the things to be known about the potential trainees. Secondly, the management should brainstorm and implement those trainings that are most taken by students.

The courses provided should be well integrated. Theory should complement the practical training and not the other way around. For vocational training the curricula should be for its most part filled with practical exercises, assignments and project works. The theory part should be just to fill the comprehension gaps. Besides providing training in house, the students must be given exposure in companies and industries. Placement services can be integral to a vocational training centre.

Infrastructure for Vocational Training Centre:

The center must provide the proper infrastructure for the students. The building design must suit the course requiems. A vocational training centre would dedicate more space for the laboratory and work room with proper equipments. Students residence and staff residence requirements must be met if the center provides training for resident students. Space for games, entertainment and recreation must be taken care of.

Allan Wilson owns and operates where you can learn more about vocational skills training. Vocational TrainingAnnabel Blog9874
Betty Blog72397

Bathroom Installation And Decoration - A Few Tips And Ideas

The bathroom is an area of importance. It enables one to maintain personal hygiene and should be a private, personal space, designed for comfort and peaceful retreat. Bathrooms perform different functions, often depending on space or the lay out of a house. Regardless of type, it is an area that needs a great deal of careful planning and thought.

For large families, the installation of a new bathroom is worth considering. Not only can it put and end to morning queues, but should help reduce wear and tear on the existing bathroom. It can also increase the value of a house. For those blessed with enough space, ensuite bathing areas that incorporate shower cubicles, baths or full suites are a viable option. However, people with less room to work might want to consider the inclusion of a simple washbasin or shower in their bedroom or spare room.

The bath is the focal point of the room. For design purposes, its a good idea to integrate it into the overall design of the bathroom, whether with the flooring or wall decor. The shapes and sizes of baths vary so it shouldnt be difficult to find one that suits your bathroom best. For example, sunken baths can prove very attractive enhancements. They tend to blend in with a bathroom in terms of operation as well as appearance. However, they tend to require a little extra work to install and are more expensive than standard versions. If room is a problem, you might want to consider a corner bath. Useful at saving space, they could enable you to include other bathroom features such as a bidet or even an extra washbasin.

Choosing a bath not only effects the overall look and feel of a bathroom but can also save money. For example, acrylic versions tend to keep water heated longer than iron and metallic baths. Moreover, an efficiently designed bath may require less water to fill it than other types, thereby reducing the monthly water bill.

Bathroom fittings are often expensive and difficult to move around which means that alteration is problematic once installed. So careful, considered planning should prevent the need for revision once installation has taken place. The fittings and material used must of course be durable and waterproof. To protect the decor and prevent mould, the edges of baths and washbasins should be sealed - plastic sealant or sealant strips are easily available from leading bathroom retailers.

Like most rooms in the house, storage is a major issue. Sometimes bath products seem to colonise all corners of a bathroom. So adequate storage products are an important feature, integral to the successful operation of a busy bathroom Cabinets and cupboards can solve these space issues and are commonly available in fixed or free standing versions. Most good bathroom and furniture merchants stock them in large numbers.

Bathroom lighting should be thorough but not glaring. Many bathrooms have white fittings that can reflect bright light to an uncomfortable degree. Simple wall lights are an option that should provide sufficient illumination for performing every-day tasks, while complimenting the decor. It is very important that all types of lighting are approved for use in the bathroom and are carefully sealed. Switches should be placed outside, or a string pull installed to ensure safe operation.

Finally, if you plan on installing a tiled floor, the inclusion of bath mats is of great importance. With the amount of water that can be displaced in a bathroom area, mats can provide a non-slip surface that means added safety. They often come with adhesive strips that fix them to the floor and provide further stability.

John Shelabarger has worked in the affiliate industry for a number of years. He promotes a broad range of bedroom furniture through his site Blog28283
Bunny Blog81557

Ten Things To Accomplish For A Successful Potty Training (plus 5 Steps To A Safe One)

When you already introduce and a potty training to your children and they seem to be cooperative with the method you are applying, I believe it is important to keep it flowing. The aim is to reach a successful training.

I hope you remain optimistic as we go through the ten things I will outline below. Im not throwing all of this at you to stress you out! Dont look at all of this as too much information. Youll pick all the tips up in due time.

Lets take a look at the ten points to keep moving ahead. Here they are.

1. Let Your Toddler Observe

It is important for you to let your toddler observe what youre doing in the bathroom. I believe we should designate the bathroom a no privacy zone during potty training. In other words, mommy and daddy get no privacy at all!

Honestly, are you experiencing that yet? Its an invasion, but it only lasts a short period of time! Plus, your child is so young that he won't remember anything that he sees

2. Let Your Toddler Change His Mind

First hes interested in seeing what is happening in the bathroom, and then hes not. Dont be surprised if your child changes his mind really fast. Pediatricians say this happens a lot. Plus, the toilet can seem awfully unusual to a toddler. Or who knows, maybe its just plain ole boring to him. So, dont be surprised if he shows and interest, then not!

3. Develop a Routine

You have heard it said that children are creatures of habit. You probably already have a morning, noon and bed time routine. Well, you need one for potty time as well. An example of a routine includes singing a song on the way to the potty or washing hands afterward. Children like to know what to expect and a routine helps them figure it out.

4. Express Frustration

Its okay for your child to get a little frustrated with this potty mess. A child that is going through the terrible two is not going to want to stop what he is doing just to sit on a chair with a hole in it! You have to understand his position. Don't be surprised if your child gets a little flustered from time to time.

5. Dont Force the Issue

Dont make your toddler sit on the potty for an extended period of time. Encourage your child to use the potty by himself. This will not get you there. At least not fast.

6. Accidents Happen

Hey, accidents happen to the best of us. Why should your toddler be any different? Visualize this picture. Your child tries to make it to the pot and messes the mark so to speak. This is one of the common roadblocks you will run into. You can acknowledge that the accident occurred however not make a big deal out of it. You can let your child help you clean up the mess. Hell probably make an even bigger mess but thats okay.

7. Never Punish

Punishment is never a good thing to do. You may feel like your child should sit there until something, anything comes out. However, it is important not to force your child to sit on the potty for long periods of time.

8. Use Potty Anytime

Weve already established that its his potty. We know that its his body hes working with. Plus, its his poop. Give your toddler a little freedom to sit down and get back up whenever he wants. You can also take the potty outside during playtime. This will make it accessible during emergencies. Dont be afraid if he becomes potty obsessive. At least, just not yet!

9. Never Compare Children

Kids are like apples and oranges, but sweeter. You dont want to compare children because they are all so different. Accept your child for the unique person he is.

Youll want to avoid comparing your child to a sibling. You may feel like saying, your sister was nothing like this. But, you cant! You would be breaking the parents oath if. The parents oath is to bathe clothe, and nourish your child while never comparing them to a sibling. Okay, I just made that one up. But, you get the point.

10. Train Sexes the Same, but

We all know that there are anatomical differences between boys and girls. However, in the beginning you should train them the same way. You should train boys sitting down like girls. Once you get your boy up and running so to speak then you can add the standing part to the equation.

Boys are typically harder to train than girls. On an average, their bodies also mature at a slower rate. This makes them more prone to bed wetting. On the other hand as you train girls youll want to make a note that they require special attention as well. Youll want to show them to wipe from front to back so the urethra is not exposed to feces. Exposure could lead to a urinary tract infection.

Now lets look at the five steps you should do to potty safety. Here they are:
Five Steps to Potty Safety

1. Dont leave your child unattended

I think this goes without saying, plus there are state and local laws covering this! Okay, Im just kidding. But, you dont want to leave your child unattended because you dont want him to get hurt. Its as simple as that. Keep an eye on your child to prevent accidents before they occur.

2. Make sure the step stool is secure.

You wouldnt want to step on a shaky ladder, now would you? So dont expect your child to step on a shaky stool. Its best to try to avoid accidents before they can happen. Just imagine if your child slipped and fell off of the step stool. Ouch, or worst!

3. Dont leave appliances plugged in. Your child may pull them in the toilet.

Lets see if you dont follow this safety rule, then you run the risk of electrocution and death or electrocution and hospitalization. All electrical equipment should be kept out of a childs way, period. It doesnt matter if its in the bathroom or dining room.

4. Make sure the training cushion is secure on the toilet.

Okay, if the step stool needs to be secure and the electrical appliances need to be put up, and then is this safety step far fetched? Please make sure the training cushion is always locked down and secure. Why, your child could fall into the toilet!

5. Make sure all of your potty tools are child safety approved.

Theres a federally funded agency that youve more than likely heard of. Its called the Consumer Product Safety Commission. They put out reports almost daily about unsafe products that we buy. I learned to look for their warning signs in stores. You can usually find the warnings in the customer service areas. You can also find them on the web at

Adwina Jackson has a deep concern on parenting. Get her inspirational guides about Potty Training at Also, grasp her other motivational parenting tips at, a worth-to-visit daily updated blog.Althea Blog41456
Belle Blog49645

Hanging Out Earning An Online College Degree

Could you ever imagine hanging out at home by choice, and earning an online college degree in the process? Many people think that obtaining an online college degree is something that requires frequent trips to the computer lab and ongoing technical issues. It is anything but this way when you enroll in your choice of online college degree programs. The simple fact is that with a steady internet connection you can access the most powerful and effective programs. This sounds easy, but it does take effort. For the self-motivated, online programs are great ways to get an education.

The fact is that most online college degrees are based upon the self paced method that allows students to work at the time most convenient for them. Given that most self paced online programs are still in someway regimented by a timeframe, within this timeframe one can obtain an online college degree in a manner that suits the needs of the person and can still be somewhat flexible. This means that you will literally be able to login, and deal with every aspect of your online education, and your online college degree program specifically at a time suitable for you. This will allow you to meet your personal or professional needs while obtaining your degree.

Earning an online degree can be individually structured to meet your specific timetable. You will never have to take an online degree class at a time that is not going to work for you. Essentially, you will be earning your degree while allowing lifes priorities to come first, and your education will fall into the place that is best suitable for you. This means that for most classes you will be able to work at night on your coursework if you have to work during the day, and vice versa if you have a night job. With the recent advancements in technology and broadband connections, one attending online degree programs can watch video and do coursework anytime in as much clarity as if it were being played on their television.

So what is the downside of being able to hang out and earn your online college degree at the time you prefer? The answer is that you still must do the work, which means that you must be self disciplined enough to deal with the intensity of being enrolled in college, and especially in a self paced online college degree program. This is not a great fit for everyone, as self paced does not mean no pace, and in order to earn your degree you must be prepared to work, and be prepared to make sacrifices, just as you would in any traditional college degree program

While earning an online degree is much different in scope and breadth than earning a traditional four-year degree, it is similar in the fact that both ventures require a considerable amount of work. This means that one must be prepared to give the online college degree as much effort on studies and the coursework as they would if enrolled in a traditional program. Taking advantage of the online college degree program's flexibility is the key.

Andy West is a freelance writer for Virginia College. Virginia College Online offers many online college degree programs. Please visit Virginia College Online at to select the online program that is right for you.Ashien Blog34998
Camile Blog5969

College Football Betting Cues

A number of dicey factors, including the disparity between the nation's finest teams and those that still have struggling programs, the massive turnover of personnel each year, and the absurdly large number of teams involved, conspire to make college football betting far more difficult than its NFL counterpart.

With the college gridiron campaign currently in full swing, bettors would be wise to join experienced bookmakers in analyzing these three key factors:

The Gap Factor: The difference between upper echelon teams and middle to bottom teams can be enormous in college football betting. When you have that situation, certain oddsmaking criteria go out the window. For example, when you have an Ohio State or a USC on the road, the talent level versus an Indiana or an Arizona is going to be so wide that it will negate any home field advantage those teams may have. Of course, that goes for other college super powers such as a Florida or a Texas.

So, although most books use Power Ratings as a place to begin the pointspread making process, they're not nearly as reliable as they are for the NFL. For example, when Texas opened the season with a sparring partner in North Texas State, it was difficult to know what the right number was. Most books settled on 42 with the knowledge that the final score would depend on the mercy of the Long Horns. Alas, Texas showed little sympathy for its overwhelmed opponent, crushing North Texas State, 56-7 for the cover.

Given the above example--Louisville (-40) versus Temple, Sept. 9 was another--typically, bookmakers often add a touchdown or so to the raw numbers. Conversely, if you're using pure Power Ratings, they can be skewed if you're looking at scores such as 56-0, 62-0 and 72-7 heading into conference play. That's a different level.

The People Factor: From year to year you have a much greater turnover of personnel in the college game than you do in the NFL. That means there's a sharper learning curve each year for the colleges. You might get every bit of information about a team for two months but then every thought and every projection you had for that team could change after the first game. New players really can't be judged until bet takers see them in a game. Admittedly, the college football betting public is in the same boat.

So even though responsible bookmakers put in an incredible amount of work during the summer to get a feel for the college teams, they never know if their assessments are valid until the teams start playing.

The Numbers Factor: There's no doubt that it's easier to keep tabs on 32 NFL teams than it is to keep track of over 100 college squads. The NFL is all there for you, on television every weekend. In college football betting, the big games are there but most bet house personnel arent going to see a lot of Wyoming or Louisiana Tech on the tube. As oddsmakers, they need to be right on every game. The bettor only has to be right on a few games each week to be successful. Obviously, from the perspective of the bookmakers, it's a lot more dangerous posting numbers on 50 college games than it is on 16 NFL games.

There are a number of other differences between the collegiate gridiron game and its NFL cousin.

For one, in general, bettors are far more willing to lay big numbers in college than they are in the NFL. Its just the nature of the non-professional gambler to lay it rather than take it. Or as one prominent bookmaker pointed out, "You have to give them a minus or they don't know which side to take. When in doubt, they go with the favorite."

Scheduling also is more of a consideration in college football betting because the players lack maturity and are more susceptible to the emotional high of playing a rival, not to mention the letdown often associated with games preceding or following one of those contests.

Another thing to watch is the emergence of a betting glamour team. It's a team that gets hot early and captures the imagination of the college football betting public. LSU did that when it went 11-2 against the spread in 2003. Auburn was the hot team a year before that. Bookmakers are aware of these teams and are constantly adjusting the numbers, but until that team loses a couple of times, the public bets them every week.

By Luken Karel for The Greek Sportsbook & Casino is host to one of the top online sportsbooks offering college football betting:, NFL betting and betting on all other major sports. Please link to this site when using this article.Antonietta Blog74797
Ameline Blog98653

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